We are in full swing here at camp! It is hard to believe that three sessions have already come and gone. Zebra, Daisy, Frog and Drizzle can not believe how fast the summer is moving!

Session 1 was the tenth summer of Camp Willie, a camp designed for campers who have experienced the death of a loved one. This year, the campers made mosaic stepping stones out of tiles that they painted, and then broke. The stepping stones are beautiful, showing great care and creative expression, they will soon join the other Camp Willie art projects on the hill near the Gypsy bridge.

Session 2 brought a new activity to camp. It was our very first Dance Camp week. Two professional dance instructors from Seattle came and taught swing dancing lessons everyday to campers who were interested in learning these dance moves! Dance camp will make an encore during session 6. Also during session 2, our Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program began for our six second-year CITs they have been busy working with campers, and are beginning their live-ins. They will shadow camp staff, live in cabins with kids, and act as the co-counselors.
Session 3 came to a close today. This week was Western-themed; we had a rodeo and saw many great Old West costumes and accessories. We also had our first Wadikima trip of the summer! These seven teenagers and their two counselors biked around the San Juan islands, having many crazy and memorable adventures! We also had our middle school archery camp. Campers spent two hours or more a day at the archery range practicing shooting techniques and playing games. They also tried out field archery, and even got to do some nocturnal archery! Don't worry, they used glow in the dark paint to mark targets and arrows!

In other news, the new outdoor pavilion is just about finished, we are hoping to have kids using it later this week! We are very excited to be able to update the blog once again, and hope to update it weekly. Keep checking back for more adventures from Camp K!