Greetings from the camp office. The last few months have been busy around Camp K. The sounds of birds singing and children playing have been replaced by power saws and hammering. Construction is moving along. See the progress here on the blog. Joanna has been busy getting ready for summer camp, hiring staff and recruiting campers. Next week she will be heading to the American Camp Association conference in Nashville to meet with other camp professionals. She plans a side trip to Graceland in Memphis before heading home. If she is not in the office you can probably find her running the trails training for a half-marathon. Kate has been getting ready for spring events and promoting our leadership programs. She has also been busy applying for graduate school. She recently visited the University of Kentucky to see their facilities and meet professors. She plans to visit the University of Michigan later this month. Andy is hiring staff and visiting schools that will be here for Outdoor Ed this spring. Our first school is next month! Between working and graduate school courses at Seattle University he has been keeping busy. He did manage to take off a few days recently to do a little skiing in Taos, New Mexico. Carol has been busy overseeing construction around camp in addition to keeping camp running smoothly. She was able to squeeze in a little time off for herself recently with a trip to sunny Mexico. Watch for her cruising around camp (silently) in her new electric-hybrid.