Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August at Camp Killoqua

Hard to believe it's already August! Session 7 is underway, with the theme of "Adventure" and "Safari." Resident campers are having fun, too, enjoying warm weather and sunny days at Crabapple Lake.

The last few weeks have been great fun, with lots of activities all over camp. Session 5 was Pirate week, always a favorite. Wednesday included a pirate scavenger hunt, and later in the week, campers visited a pirate boat out on the lake, finding special loot aboard.

Last week, in session 6, we welcomed the new "first-year" CITs (Counselors-In-Training). These 12 energetic leadership campers will be here through the end of the summer. Horse camp also included special sessions for English (riding English-style and using the matching tack) and Advanced riders. The Advanced campers visited with a vet and challenged themselves with a riding drill performed for other campers - it was great!

Session 6 had a sports theme, and the all-camp event was our annual "Biffer Games." Campers try to steer clear of being biffed by someone with a sock filled with a bit of flour and take part in activities around the edge of the field. It's a lot of fun.

We also woke up Tuesday morning to find all the dining tables in the meadow, and someone camping on the floating dock. It was a treat to eat outside in the sun that morning!

We're out taking more photos this session. Check back for updates next week!