Summer camp was a blast! There were lots of warm days, and even some really hot days, but through it all we had great adventures.

Specialty camps included a culinary week - here they are working on a delicious brunch the morning of sleep-in breakfast.
Other specialties included Venture Crew (with an emphasis on outdoor skills and activities), Dance Camp (swing dance), Archery Camp (with daily time at the range) Iron-Teen (physical actvities), Babysitting Basics and Horse Camp. Wadikima, the teen trips unit, went rafting on the Wenatchee and biking in the San Juans.
And of course there were also weekly themes. From Western to Superheroes to Adventures In Flight and many more, they inspired some creative activities and costumes. Even the visiting therapy dogs got in on the costumes! (They're pirates.)
We hope that every camper went home with new skills, new confidence and lots of happy memories from their time at camp.
Session 1 kicked off day camp and also resident camp with Camp Willie, a grief camp program. Now in operation for 10 years, Camp Willie was featured on the front page of the Everett Herald that week. Check out the article here!
Day camp and resident camp ran throughout the season. During their training week, the Day Camp Assistants made this new unit sign, which was hung on the trail to the pavilion.
We enjoyed all kinds of camp activities, including swimming, boating, crafts, archery, cook outs over the fire and camp outs, biking, games and of course songs. We're sure every parent is now familiar with at least a few songs their kids came home singing!
We had one really hot week - remember that? - but stayed cool with lots of swimming, time in the sprinklers, Otter Pops, and some meals eaten out in the meadow to keep the temps down.
See you next summer at camp!