It is a beautiful day at Camp! We have close to 8 inches of snow, and it just keeps falling! The evergreen trees and bright white snow create great backdrops for our resident photographers. The snow has also given us the opportunity to see what kind of animals have been roaming around camp. Today we spotted coyote, deer, and mouse tracks in the snow, as well as some Geronimo (cat) and Wyatt (dog) tracks in the mix! Check out our picture slide show and see what camp looks like in the winter!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Here we have a photo montage of a day spent at the climbing wall.
(Top left) Harnesses and helmets sit on a bench, patiently waiting for a participant to put them on and climb. (Top right) This is Suzanne, our newest team member, she's great! (Mid left) Dana, who is always wearing a smile, belays a climber. (mid right) Here we have Jimmy and Melissa sporting our climbing safety gear. ( Bottom Left ) A student from Jackson Elementary climbs the wall.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Here is the meadow, you can see where our site manager Chuck and many volunteers have started to reclaim the edge meadow, and to clear away the invasive blackberry plants. You can, once again, walk along the stream!
Crabapple Lake is very calm, you can see the brilliant blue sky reflected on the surface next to the swimming dock.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Welcome, Fall OE Staff!
Thanks for the Support!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
End of Summer
We'd also like to thank the whole summer staff of 2008. They dedicated their time to being here at Killoqua, working with hundreds of kids and having a great time with them. We have a beautiful site for our summer programs, but it's the people who truly make it a special experience - and they did! Thanks, everyone, and good luck as you head back to college and other jobs. Looking forward to summer 2009!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Session 7
Venture Crew was also in camp session 7. Campers in this specialty program get to focus on lots of outdoor activities - cookouts, campouts, shelter building, camouflage and more. We had full groups of both boys and girls; this photo is the boys heading out for their two-night overnight.
In day camp, campers did lots of tie dye, swimming and were out playing games all over camp. They also enjoyed an exhibition show by a group of visiting agility dogs. And one cabin group participated in the "Service to Killoqua" program by washing Uncle Wigglebottom's cabin on a hot day.
And now we're in session 8! Check back next week for more details as summer camp wraps up ...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
August at Camp Killoqua
The last few weeks have been great fun, with lots of activities all over camp. Session 5 was Pirate week, always a favorite. Wednesday included a pirate scavenger hunt, and later in the week, campers visited a pirate boat out on the lake, finding special loot aboard.
Session 6 had a sports theme, and the all-camp event was our annual "Biffer Games." Campers try to steer clear of being biffed by someone with a sock filled with a bit of flour and take part in activities around the edge of the field. It's a lot of fun.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Session 5 is underway! You'll be sure to see an eye patch or two if you walk around the meadow this week. It is Pirates of Killoqua week for both day and resident camp. Check the blog for more pictures and updates of this pirate extravaganza!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Summer has begun!
Session 1 was the tenth summer of Camp Willie, a camp designed for campers who have experienced the death of a loved one. This year, the campers made mosaic stepping stones out of tiles that they painted, and then broke. The stepping stones are beautiful, showing great care and creative expression, they will soon join the other Camp Willie art projects on the hill near the Gypsy bridge.
Session 3 came to a close today. This week was Western-themed; we had a rodeo and saw many great Old West costumes and accessories. We also had our first Wadikima trip of the summer! These seven teenagers and their two counselors biked around the San Juan islands, having many crazy and memorable adventures! We also had our middle school archery camp. Campers spent two hours or more a day at the archery range practicing shooting techniques and playing games. They also tried out field archery, and even got to do some nocturnal archery! Don't worry, they used glow in the dark paint to mark targets and arrows!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Summer is Coming!
Zebe and Utah can no longer contain their excitement about the start of summer. Watch them dance their hearts out!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Meet Our New Food Service Manager
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Spring Season Has Begun!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
New Shirt Design For 2008!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Camp Fire Website Gets A Makeover
Monday, March 3, 2008
Lodge Improvements Complete!
A big thank you to the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound for their generous donation that made these kitchen improvements possible.
Friday, February 29, 2008
For Don and Bev...
Last March our long time camp caretakers Don and Bev Wagner retired and moved to Eastern Washington to be closer to family. Before moving, Bev asked us to replace the old plum tree that came down in a snow storm with a crabapple tree. Camp Killoqua was an apple orchard prior to becoming a Camp Fire camp and of course its on Crabapple Lake so a crabapple tree seemed fitting. We chose a Whitney Crabapple which should produce a large quantity of the best eating crabapples. Andy and Joanna dug out the old stump and planted the sappling using compost created from our dining room. We wish Don and Bev the best.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Update from Tolaga

Monday, February 4, 2008
Spring Events 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Teens In Action Annual Quilt Making
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
New Hill Mini Ain't So Mini Anymore!

After months of rain, we have finally had a decent break in the weather which has allowed the construction workers to make serious progress. Check out the photo to view the progress that has been made in the span of two weeks. Construction will slow down once roof is finished and the workers begin the finishing work. We hope to have construction completed and surrounding area graded and cleaned up by the beginning of our Outdoor Education season in mid-March. Be sure to check the blog often to see more pictures as the construction progresses.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Our New Open Air Kitchen!
Just kidding! An open air kitchen would be great on the beach in Hawaii but not here in rainy Washington. This is actually the first step of our mini kitchen makeover. Workers have removed a portion of the kitchen's back wall to replace the walk-in refrigerator. After the new fridge goes in and a little structural support is added the wall will be replaced.
Friday, January 11, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
REI Supports Camp Killoqua

Site Manager Office